Heal AS

The company Heal AS which administers the Fra Mare Spa was founded in 1992.

On October 1 of the same year, Heal AS bought a building on the coast of Haapsalu Eeslaht, at 15a Suur-Liiva Street, and launched the construction of a mud therapy institution. The Bergfeldt mud treatment institution, located on this historic plot, was opened on July 24, 1993.

On October 1, 1994, Heal AS started the construction of the Fra Mare Spa. The construction of the spa, which is located in the silence of the Paralepa pine forest, was finished in 1997. The opening ceremony on February 23 was devoted to the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia.

Fra Mare received its first customers in March of the same year.

The Thalasso section with its 20 superior rooms and a Day Spa sauna and pool centre was opened in 2006.

Our brand was renewed and from this moment on we are called Fra Mare Thalasso SPA. We are the only ones in Estonia to provide Thalasso therapy.

In all those years, Heal AS has trained motivated and professional personnel as well as guaranteed a good reputation and the constant development of the company. We work constantly in order to achieve our main goal – to change the enthusiastic customer into a permanent customer.

Maret Sukles
Member of the board

Our vision

By 2030, Fra Mare will be the best (most visited) healing spa in the Baltic Sea region, which offers therapeutic yoga on the employee’s commitment and guest enjoyment.

Our mission

Our dedication, Your delight!

Our values

Positive thinking
Continuous development